Alert: Discontinuation of Cheque Payments for Maxis Enterprise customers.

Alert: Discontinuation of Cheque Payments.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Blocking of Fraudulent SMS To Combat Online Fraud

  • In order to prevent individuals from becoming victim of online scams, the Malaysia Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has issued a directive to all telcos on 14 February 2023 to block sending and receiving of short messaging service (SMS) from local, international mobile numbers and applications containing below contents:

    • URL link and any clickable link e.g. shorten URL;
    • Request for user’s personal information e.g name, IC number, account number and 
    • Mobile and fixed line number

    Blockings are being implemented in stages; started from 2 May 2023 for SMS between individuals; the next and last stage is the blocking of SMS containing the above 3 elements from mobile and applications such as Enterprise SMS service and Maxis IoT SIM from 2 July 2023.

    Exemption given by MCMC to relevant essential services businesses to include URL or personal information for convenience of user. However, this exemption will end on 31 Aug 2024.

  • Any hyperlink (URL), request for personal information such as name, IC number and account number and fixed or mobile number are not allowed in the SMS content.

  • No. You will not be charged if the SMS is blocked. 

  • You may still share the link via social apps or instant messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook messenger and WeChat and etc.

    Please be reminded, do not click on any links sent from unknown senders and to only login to your eWallet or online banking account via the official URL and mobile app.  Do share this with your loved ones.

  • The blocking of disallowed content in SMS is being done in phrases, it starts with SMS between individual, blocking of URL in SMS sent by business via short codes such as 6XXXX, 2XXXX and 1XXXX will be from effective 2 July 2023. 

    An email will be sent to all person in charge of the ESMS and Maxis IoT SIM on the details. Pls refer to the EDM FAQs for details.

  • You will see the following error prompts on the application used for sending ESMS you use.

    • Direct SMS: code 01020
    • Campaign Manager: “Your message contains content that is not allowed”
    • Desktop SMS: “Invalid content”
  • The message you received is likely not a traditional SMS sent over the cellular network, which is managed by your network provider. Instead, it may be an RCS (Rich Content Services) or iMessage that uses internet protocols, similar to many mobile applications, and is beyond the network provider's control.

    We recommend that you do not reply to messages or click on links from unknown numbers. Please report these messages as spam.

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The FAQ’s are meant for clarification purposes only. The FAQ’s may be modified from time to time. Please refer Terms of Use and Terms & Conditions of the products and/or services for more information.

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