Alert: Discontinuation of Cheque Payments for Maxis Enterprise customers.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Managed Mobility

  • Managed Mobility is a set of solutions that allows you to centrally manage the broad range of mobile devices used in your workspace regardless of where they are or whether they belong to the company or personal-owned. With Managed Mobility, you can set the policy to protect the devices as well as the company apps and resources accessible from them.  Also, you can remotely push business apps across the fleet of devices and prevent the installation of unwanted apps.

  • Yes, Managed Mobility works for any company that wants to maximize the benefits of mobility. With Managed Mobility, you can enjoy improved productivity by empowering the mobile workforce with the right set of tools, save on cost and time with an efficient way to distribute apps, and gain peace of mind on the mitigation of security risks and concerns.

  • First, you will be guided to access the web-based management console on how to create users, define security policies, push apps, monitor device status, etc. Second, your end users will enroll their mobile devices by downloading a mobile app, referred as the agent app, onto their devices. Afterwards, you can perform all the necessary device management and monitoring as long as there is an Internet connectivity between the agent app and the cloud-based Managed Mobility platform.

  • We provide you a 30 days trial to carry out the proof-of-concept (POC) up to 50 devices. You will receive guidance on the setup of the POC environment. The 30 days trial is free of monthly subscription charge, and you can terminate the trial without penalty.

  • We will capture your requirements and understand your needs before recommending the best solution that is applicable to you. We work very closely with our solution partners to ensure the compliance of solution in meeting your requirements.

  • A minimum of 10 devices.

  • We are the one-stop-shop expert who serves all your mobility needs to boost productivity, from providing you the best 4G LTE network, business grade professional services, and SLA-defined technical support to a variety of cloud and Internet-of-things (IoT) solutions tailored to meet your business requirements.

Ready to sign up for Managed Mobility?

The FAQ’s are meant for clarification purposes only. The FAQ’s may be modified from time to time. Please refer Terms of Use and Terms & Conditions of the products and/or services for more information.

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