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Leading The Nation With The First-Ever Low-Latency Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC)

Today, the world revolves around data. The transition from the traditional business landscape to digital has forced even the most rigid enterprises to adapt to the utilisation of cloud services. In recognising the growing significance of data, Maxis has teamed up with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) to bring Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) as a digital solution for enterprises - the first-ever in the nation.

Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) Infographic

"We are the first to bring MEC to Malaysia to empower our Rangkaian of enterprise customers with next gen technologies, while enhancing our capabilities to provide an efficient network infrastructure for all businesses.” - Paul McManus, Chief Enterprise Business Officer

A digital solution for enterprises

MEC is a technology that brings cloud resources much closer to the end-user than ever before. The solution's main components are designed to deliver unprecedented single-digit millisecond computing response times while enabling data to be conveniently stored and processed at the edge of the network. This breakthrough can provide enterprises the competitive advantage needed to take on today's business challenges by substantially reducing the need to transfer massive amounts of data to a distant data centre, as information is processed and/or stored nearer to the source, and data transfer process is performed over secure and reliable high-speed multiple access networks.

The benefits and values that MEC brings make the tech particularly attractive to businesses that operate time-critical applications such as data analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation, and machine learning since it significantly enhances efficiency and accuracy, while also minimising connectivity costs.

Extending the boundaries of cloud

With HPE and partners, Maxis is currently developing a series of MEC trial use cases that leverage Maxis Programmable Network (MPN), cloud, IoT and smart solutions.The solution can accommodate Smart Surveillance for High Definition (HD) video security cameras and wearables requiring real-time analytics and facial and object recognition, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality (AR/VR) solutions with video analytics for enhanced quality control, and even AI-driven 24-hour drone patrol systems with enhanced Infrared (IR) thermal cameras.

A highly integrated edge cloud platform

The solution comes with advanced data processing acceleration technologies, while tightly integrated to multiple access technologies for heterogeneous networks including fixed, 4G, 5G, and WiFi.

Explore the opportunity now