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Cloud Strategy: Choosing To Go Cloud Right, Not Cloud First

The Covid-19 pandemic had an enormous impact on the business world, forcing even the most rigid industries to adapt. When nearly 18 months of movement control orders (MCOs) and restrictions made remote work the new normal, cloud services provided a lifeline to keep operations afloat.

The wealth of cloud solutions today has open doors for companies to bring their businesses beyond mere survival even in the most challenging conditions. As a game-changer, applying cloud management best practices is important for the reinvention of business models, processes, and structures, bringing about tangible outcomes.

Today, when we talk to companies about cloud, we see far greater awareness of its potential to accelerate their businesses. We are now at a point where more organisations are embracing the cloud as a key strategy.

Minimising costs and security risks

Eager to reap the benefits of cloud, many business owners get overly enthusiastic and jump into cloud decisions without conducting the necessary due diligence.

As a result, business owners start their cloud journeys by investing in piecemeal cloud services to tackle immediate problems. Unfortunately, this move almost always leads to unnecessary costs and other security risks.

In our experience, companies that prioritise immediacy and quick fixes often find that their cloud-first implementations do not age well. Eventually, they will have to manage technical debt that inevitably costs more in the long run.

In companies where technical debt accumulates, developers have little choice but to get creative and apply band-aid solutions, potentially resulting in shadow IT as users deploy their own technologies just to get things done.  If these users decide to leave the company, their cloud solutions continue running without the right skillsets to keep things in check.

The financial and security implications of shadow IT can be detrimental to any organisation. Studies have shown that in large organisations, shadow IT may siphon anywhere from 30% to more than 50% of total IT spending.

The cloud can provide extensive cost efficiencies while ensuring business survival, continuity, and growth. To fully leverage the power of cloud, companies should take on a holistic approach to their cloud strategy, particularly when it comes to security, compliance, and operations. This is where a multi-cloud strategy enters the picture.

Getting cloud right from the start

There now exists a targeted cloud approach for every business challenge, so the idea of taking on a multi-cloud strategy is real. However, engaging numerous providers means juggling multiple accounts and multiple control panels, further introducing complexity into your operations.

Still, you can achieve cloud simplicity with the best practices of cloud management.

So how do you choose the right cloud service provider for your business? Well, Maxis Right Cloud lets you navigate easily through the complexities and scalability in cloud computing, giving clear insight and control of your cloud infrastructure so that you can focus on your core business and outcomes. To us, cloud simplicity hinges on having the right cloud, the right expertise and the right network.

Our platform consolidates cloud workloads (e.g., AWS, Azure) and on-premises systems on a single pane of glass, allowing IT to effectively broker cloud resources to the rest of the organisation. With access to all major cloud providers, you can provide the right cloud service for every workload, while maintaining full visibility and control over your cloud environments within a single cloud management platform.

Whether it’s modernising your applications or scaling digital transformation, having the right expertise is crucial in areas such as cybersecurity, DevOps, and migration. You will have access to our large pool of certified cloud experts who can advise you on the best course of action and see the project to completion. Be assured that our team will always be available to help you understand your environment and challenges, and tailor the right plan to help achieve your business goals.

How do I know if cloud is right for my business?

At Maxis, we will ensure that all cloud connectivity on our Maxis Programmable Network will be optimised for maximum security, performance, and reliability. For example, Maxis has implemented the right cloud solution strategy for remote classes to run smoothly and efficiently at Brickfields Asia College (BAC). Being connected to the right network will give you greater control and visibility, allowing you to establish direct connections between your data centres and branches, as well as ensuring that the right redundancies are set for each application.

At the end of the day, a cloud-right strategy means managing and scaling your organisation’s cloud needs – from infrastructure to connectivity – with just one point of contact, one dashboard, and one bill. Imagine that.

Amanda Lensing, Head of Cloud Products, Maxis Business

About the author
Amanda Lensing
Head of Cloud Products, Maxis Business

Amanda oversees the cloud and security product portfolio at Maxis, which covers multiple domains across public and private cloud as well as security. She has more than 20 years of experience in IT and is an expert in a wide range of areas including cloud computing, security, and digital transformation.

Desmond Chan, Head of Microsoft Cloud Solutions, Maxis

About the author
Desmond Chan
Head of Microsoft Cloud Solutions, Maxis

Desmond oversees the Microsoft cloud solutions portfolio at Maxis, which includes cloud computing, digital workspace, unified communications, and security. He boasts more than 20 years of experience in IT and expertise in a wide range of areas from enterprise architecture to technology strategy to business transformation.