Alert: Discontinuation of Cheque Payments for Maxis Enterprise customers.

Alert: Discontinuation of Cheque Payments.

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Terms & Conditions

Service Specific Terms & Conditions (“SSTC”) Campaign for Geran Digital PMKS Madani

    1. This Campaign: Sign up for a new Eligible Service(s) as described in Clause 14 below, to be eligible to apply for the Geran Digital PMKS Madani (“Grant”) initiative allocated by the Ministry of Finance of Malaysia (“MOF”). This Grant is ofered to SMEs to obtain digitalisation services listed in the Grant initiative from Maxis being the telecommunication service provider and/or technology solution provider registered with Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC).
    2. This Campaign is subject to the General Terms & Conditions (“GTC”), this Service Specific Terms & Conditions (“SSTC”), Maxis Fair Usage Policy, Maxis Group Privacy Notice and any other applicable terms and conditions, all at
    3. Capitalised terms herein have the same meaning as defined in the GTC.
    4. Further, this SSTC is subject to the Geran Digital PMKS Madani Registration Form and other Service Specific Terms & Conditions applicable to your subscription of Service(s) at (“SSTC for Eligible Service(s)”)
    5. For clarity, any conlict or inconsistency between:
      1. this SSTC, the GTC and Summary Terms and Conditions (“STC”), shall be construed in the following order of precedence: (a) SSTC; (b) GTC; and (c) STC; or
      2. this SSTC and the SSTC for Eligible Service(s), this SSTC shall take precedence.
    6. We reserve the rights without liability, to vary, add to, remove or otherwise amend this SSTC, the manner in which the Campaign is conducted and/or discontinue, interrupt, bar, suspend, restrict and/or terminate the Campaign (whether in whole or in part) at any time as we deem fit whether with or without prior notice to you and will not be liable to you and/or any third party for any loss (including loss of revenue), loss of services or connectivity or inconvenience as a result thereof. Where no prior notice is provided, Maxis will to the extent commercially reasonably practicable provide you with prior notice of such changes in any form as Maxis deems reasonable and appropriate. The prevailing terms and conditions of this SSTC and the Campaign will be updated on our oficial website from time to time, whereby the updated terms and conditions will apply and supersede all previous versions. Your continued use of the Service(s) relevant to the Campaign after any changes to the terms and conditions of this SSTC and the Campaign is efective will constitute unconditional acceptance by you of such variations, additions or amendments and you will be bound by the same.
    1. In order to apply for the Grant, you must be an SME and must fulfill the following eligibility SME requirements and other requirements as set out by Bank Simpanan Malaysia, being the validator for the Grant application (“BSN”) or MOF:
      1. at least 60% owned by Malaysian citizens;
      2. registered under the relevant laws of Malaysia and classified as SME;
      3. has been in operation for a minimum of six (6) months;
      4. has minimum average annual sales turnover of at least RM50,000; and
      5. any other criteria as determined by BSN or MOF from time to time.
    2. You must submit to Maxis all relevant documents required together with the declaration form and the Geran Digital PMKS Madani Registration Form to proceed with the application for the Grant.
    3. We reserve the right to reject your application if you have any outstanding payments with us.
    4. You must only subscribe to Maxis as sole service provider to participate in this Campaign. You are only entitled to enjoy one successful (1) Grant. If you have successfully applied for the Grant with diferent service providers, you will not be entitled to obtain the Grant for the Service(s) with Maxis.
    5. You must be our new Business Customer subscribing for the Service(s) to participate in this Campaign. If you are our existing Business Customer, you can only apply for the Grant if you are subscribing for a new or upgrade subscription of Service(s).
    6. For existing Maxis customers who have subscribed to new Eligible Service(s) under the Grant, the data quota will not be refreshed (if applicable) until the next billing cycle.
    7. The Grant is on a first come first serve basis for SMEs nationwide until and unless the Grant amount allocated by MOF has been exhausted or until MOF or BSN, being the entity responsible for the release of the Grant notify the discontinuation or suspension of the Grant.
    1. This Grant is only available for the following Service(s) (“Eligible Service(s)”):
    Category A Category B Category C
    (a) Cloud POS Lite F&B Maxis Business Postpaid which is pre-bundled with eSMS Lite Plus and Business Voice Go (a) Maxis Business Fibre
    (b) Maxis Business WiFi
    (b) eSMS Lite Plus
    (c) Business Voice Go

    Conditions Applicable:

    • You will have to subscribe for at least one (1) of the Eligible Service(s) under Category A or Category B to apply for the Grant.
    • If you subscribe for the Eligible Service(s) under Category A, you can bundle it with the Eligible Service(s) under Category B or Category C.
    • If you subscribe for the Eligible Service(s) under Category B, you can bundle it with the Eligible Service(s) under Category A and Category C.
    • No Grant will be applicable for the Eligible Service(s) under Category C when it is applied solely as stand-alone Service(s) or if the any of Eligible Service(s) under Category A or Category B when bundled with Category C are not being able to be provided to you for any reason whatsoever.
    1. You may apply for any combination of the Eligible Service(s) to be eligible for the Grant as long as the requirements under Clause 14 are fulfilled.
    2. The amount allocated by the MOF for the Grant through Maxis for each eligible SME to carry out the digitalisation process and obtain the Eligible Service(s) is 50% of the total amount invoiced by Maxis or up to RM5,000.00 only, whichever is lower.
    3. You will not be eligible for the Grant for any future subscriptions of Eligible Service(s) by you if you have successfully been granted the Grant through Maxis.
    4. The successful activation of the Eligible Service(s) will be relected in the invoices. In the event that the Eligible Service(s) under Category A or Category B that has been bundled together with Eligible Service(s) under Category C cannot be fulfilled, you will be required to pay for the Eligible Service(s) under Category A or Category B as a standalone. In this situation, you will be eligible for the Grant of 50% of the total amount invoiced by Maxis or up to RM5,000.00 only, whichever is lower.
    5. Maxis Zerolution device ofers are not eligible for the Grant.
    1. You acknowledge that your subscription of the Eligible Service(s) does not depend on your successful application of the Grant. Your obligations as our Business Customer for the Eligible Service(s) remain as per the GTC, SSTC(s) for Eligible Service(s), Maxis Fair Usage Policy and any other applicable terms and conditions, all at
    2. Application for the Grant for the Eligible Service(s) must be done under a single Geran Digital PKMS Madani Registration Form signed together with the declaration form. Maxis will only assist to claim and process your application for the Grant on your behalf based on the first application of the Grant after successful activation of all Eligible Service(s) in the single Geran Digital PKMS Madani Registration Form.
    3. We will not be held responsible for any loss or damage that you or any third party might sustain as a result of any delay or any non-submission of your application of the Grant by us. Accordingly, you expressly confirm and agree that by continuingly using the Eligible Service(s), you accept all risks of not being granted with the Grant.
    4. You acknowledge that the Activation of the Eligible Service(s) is to be done before Maxis can proceed with the submission of the application for the Grant on your behalf to BSN.
    5. BSN will play the role as validator for the Grant application.
    1. You are responsible for the total payment of all Charges associated with the Eligible Service(s).
    2. Full Charges for the Eligible Service(s) will commence after the Activation of Eligible Service(s), regardless of whether the Grant has been approved or otherwise. Subject to Clause 27 below, your obligation to pay for the full payment of the Charges will continue until you receive the notification of your successful application for the Grant.
    3. You will be granted a waiver of 30% of the full payment of your first month’s invoice only from the Activation of Eligible Service(s) notwithstanding whether your Application for the Grant is successful or otherwise (“Waiver Amount”). This Waiver Amount does not count towards the total Grant that you are eligible to receive.
    4. If your application for the Grant is successful, the total amount of the Grant will be pro-rated in 20 months period after the first disbursement of the Grant relected in the invoice ("Grant Period”). Your invoices for the Eligible Service(s) will be disbursed based on pro-rated amount and will be completed in the Grant Period regardless of the total contract period of the Eligible Service(s). After the Grant Period, you are to pay the total invoices for your contract period in full without any deductions during the contract period or after the expiry of the contract period. Please allow 30-60 days from the first month invoice of the Grant disbursement for the remaining disbursement to be relected in your monthly invoices.
    5. You are responsible for the full Charges for the Eligible Service(s) as stated in the invoices after the Activation of the Eligible Service(s), at any point of time during your subscription of the Eligible Service(s), if:
      1. you have not received any notification of your successful application for the Grant;
      2. the Grant is not granted to you for any reason whatsoever;
      3. after your successful application of the Grant, the Grant is suspended by the MOF or BSN for any reason whatsoever;
      4. any other directives from MOF or BSN which resulted from you not being able to receive the Grant or continue receiving the Grant.
    1. All Eligible Service(s) under the Grant are for the Minimum Period of Service(s) of 24-month contract period.
    2. The terms for Minimum Period of Service(s) and termination of the Eligible Service(s) shall be referred to its respective Service Specific Terms and Conditions which can be found at
    3. If you terminate the Eligible Service(s) while you are still within Grant Period, you are not entitled to claim for the remaining amount of the Grant in cash or any other payment methods. Maxis has the right to retain the remaining amount of Grant and you will pay us the full termination Charges including the amount equivalent the amount of Grant that you are entitled to receive until the expiry of the Grant Period.
    4. If the Eligible Service(s) is suspended during the Grant Period, such amount for the Grant will be relected in the invoices during the suspension period. The Grant Period will not be extended due to any suspension of Eligible Service(s).
    5. The Grant amount is not convertible into cash or any other payment method.
    6. Maxis reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate the Eligible Service(s) if Maxis believes that you have undertaken fraudulent practice and/or activities or other activities harmful to this Campaign or the submission process. Fraudulent activities are deemed to include but not be limited to the following: -
      1. any act of deceit and/or deception and/or cheating; or
      2. submission of multiple registration with diferent telecommunication service provider and/ or technology solution provider in relation to this Initiative; or
      3. has obtained multiple grant ofers from diferent telecommunication service provider or technology service provider.
    7. You shall still be liable for all monies due and owing by you as at the date of discontinuance or termination.
    1. You are not entitled to transfer the Grant amount that you are entitled for disbursement to any other entities or to any other subscription of Service(s) that you have with Maxis.
    2. Notwithstanding the above, Maxis reserves the right to reject any SME for participating in this Campaign at its sole and absolute discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever.